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Index of Matrix Client mirrors

I run a few mirrors of Matrix clients, so feel free to use any of the below links to access Matrix.

Redundancy issues

Most, if not all, of the below links are served from the same origin. If you cannot connect to one of them, and others aren't working, check my status page. If one of the servers is showing issues, you likely won't be able to connect to any of the below links temporarily.

Suggestions or problems

Do you want me to host a mirror of a Matrix client, not listed here? Are you having an issue accessing one of the below URLs? Get in touch!


Imagine a Matrix client... where you can enjoy the conversation using simple, elegant and secure interface protected by e2ee with the power of open source.

Screenshot of Cinny
A screenshot of Cinny in dark mode, from

Official instances

The official instances of cinny can be found at:


An app for productivity. Collaborate with confidence. In real time, all the time, with Element Web.

Screenshot of Element
A screenshot of Element, from


SchildiChat is a feature-rich messenger for Matrix based on Element with some extras and tweaks.

Screenshot of SchildiChat
A screenshot of SchildiChat, from

Official instances

The official instances of SchildiChat can be found at:

SchildiChat is out of date

SchildiChat web, the version of schildi chat available in the browser, is out of date. If you want to use Schildi, you should use the desktop version, available at

The current web version (as of 2024-11-30) does not support authenticated media, so you will not be able to view any file uploads, or avatars. At that point, you should just go back to IRC.